职 称: | 工程师 |
学 历: | 博士研究生 |
邮 件: | zhanghui1@mail.gyig.ac.cn |
地 址: | 贵阳市观山湖区林城西路99号 |
张辉,博士,工程师,2008年毕业于华南农业大学,获得农学学士学位;2015年博士毕业于中国科学院大学,获得理学博士学位;2015年至2020年在中国科学院地球化学研究所从事博士后研究工作,2020年聘任中国科学院地球化学研究所环境地球化学国家重点实验室工程师,期间先后在意大利国家研究委员会大气污染研究所(CNR-IAPR)、挪威水研究院(NIVA)、捷克马萨里克大学(MU)、美国环保署(US-EPA)、美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)访问学习和开展技术合作;主要研究领域为汞的测量分析技术与应用方法开发;主持包括国家自然科学基金项目在内的项目5项,作为课题骨干和研究骨干参与国家自然科学基金委重大项目和国家重点研发计划等项目10余项;相关的研究和技术方法支撑在National Science Review、Science Advances、Environmental Science & Technology、Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics和Journal of Geophysics Research: Atmospheres等高影响力学术期刊发表学术论文50余篇,授权技术专利20余件,软件著作权2件,参与出版学术专著1部,国内国际会议上做学术报告10余次;荣获贵州省自然科学奖一等奖、入选中国科学院地球化学研究所青年创新人才,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员。
1. 国家自然科学基金-面上基金“基于液相控温的汞蒸气校准源研究”(42177441), 2022/01-2025/12, 主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金“亚热带森林生态系统植物的汞通量和汞同位素的分馏”(41703134),2018/01-2020/12, 主持。
3. 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员项目(2022404),2022.01-2025.12,主持。
4. 中国科学院地球化学研究所青年创新人才项目,2021-2022,主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金委重大研究项目“工业革命以来人为活动大气排放汞的生物地球化学循环及对我国环境影响”(42394090),2024/01-2028/12, 课题骨干。
6. 国家重点研发计划项目“场地地下水典型重金属光/电协同原位一体化便携式检测装备研制及应用示范”( 2020YFC1807300),2021-2025,研究骨干。
7. 贵州省科技项目“贵州省生态恢复重金属风险管控科技创新人才团队建设”, 2013/12-2026/12, 团队骨干。
8. 中科院任务项目“环境介质不同形态汞同位素分析方法建立”(Y7CZ041),2016/08-2023/03, 研究骨干。
9. 国家973重大基础研究计划项目“我国汞污染特征、环境过程及减排技术原理”, (2013CB430000),2013/01-2017/12, 研究骨干。
10. 欧共体框架七大型国际合作项目“全球汞观测系统(GMOS)”,2010/01-2015/12, 研究骨干。
1. 中国发明协会会员
2. 中国仪器仪表学会会员
3. 中国环境科学学会会员
1. 贵州省自然科学奖一等奖
2. 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员
3. 中国科学院地球化学研究所“青年创新人才”计划
1. Xinbin Feng, Xuewu Fu, Hui Zhang, Xun Wang, Longyu Jia, Leiming Zhang, Che-Jen Lin, Jen-How Huang, Kaiyun Liu, Shuxiao Wang. Combating air pollution significantly reduced air mercury concentrations in China. National Science Review, 2024.(Q1 Top期刊,综合性权威期刊,IF=16.3)
2. Wei Yuan, Xun Wang, Che-Jen Lin, Ge Zhang, Fei Wu, Nantao Liu, Longyu Jia, Hui Zhang, Huazheng Lu, Jinlong Dong, and Xinbin Feng. Fate and Transport of Mercury through Waterflows in a Tropical Rainforest. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024(58): 4968–4978.(Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
3. Chaoyue Chen, Jen-How Huang, Kai Li, Stefan Osterwalder, Chenmeng Yang, Peter Waldner, Hui Zhang, Xuewu Fu, and Xinbin Feng. Isotopic Characterization of Mercury Atmosphere−Foliage and Atmosphere−Soil Exchange in a Swiss Subalpine Coniferous Forest. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023(57): 15892–15903. (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
4. Xian Wu, Xuewu Fu, Hui Zhang, Kaihui Tang, Xun Wang, Hui Zhang, Qianwen Deng, Leiming Zhang, Kaiyun Liu, Qingru Wu, Shuxiao Wang, and Xinbin Feng. Changes in Atmospheric Gaseous Elemental Mercury Concentrations and Isotopic Compositions at Mt. Changbai During 2015–2021 and Mt. Ailao During 2017–2021 in China. Journal of Geophysics Research: Atmospheres, 2023.(Nature Index期刊, 地学权威期刊,IF=3.8)
5. Wei Yuan, Mu Liu, Daizhao Chen, Yao-Wu Xing, Robert A. Spicer, Jitao Chen, Theodore R. Them II, Xun Wang, Shizhen Li, Chuan Guo, Gongjing Zhang, Liyu Zhang, Hui Zhang, Xinbin Feng. Mercury isotopes show vascular plants had colonized land extensively by the early Silurian. Science Advances, 2023, (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,综合性权威期刊,IF=11.7)
6. Wei Yuan, Xun Wang, Che-Jen Lin, Qinghai Song, Hui Zhang, Fei Wu, Nantao Liu, Huazheng Lu, and Xinbin Feng. Deposition and Re-Emission of Atmospheric Elemental Mercury over the Tropical Forest Floor. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023(57): 10686–10695. (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
7. Wei Yuan, Xun Wang, Che-Jen Lin, Fei Wu, Kang Luo, Hui Zhang, Zhiyun Lu, and Xinbin Feng. Mercury Uptake, Accumulation, and Translocation in Roots of Subtropical Forest: Implications of Global Mercury Budget. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022(56): 14154–14165. (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
8. Hui Zhang, Xuewu Fu, Ben Yu, Baoxin Li,Peng Liu, Guoqing Zhang, Leiming Zhang, and Xinbin Feng. Speciated atmospheric mercury at the Waliguan Global Atmosphere Watch station in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: implication of dust-related sources for particulate bound mercury. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021(21): 15847–15859. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
9. Xuewu Fu, Chen Liu, Hui Zhang, Yue Xu, Hui Zhang, Jun Li, Xiaopu Lyu, Gan Zhang, Hai Guo, Xun Wang, Leiming Zhang, and Xinbin Feng. Isotopic compositions of atmospheric total gaseous mercury in 10 Chinese cities and implications for land surface emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021(21): 6721–6734. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
10. Hui Zhang, Luca Nizzetto, Xinbin Feng, Katrine Borgå, Jonas Sommar, Xuewu Fu, Hua Zhang, Gan Zhang, and Thorjørn Larssen. Assessing Air−Surface Exchange and Fate of Mercury in a Subtropical Forest Using a Novel Passive Exchange-Meter Device. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019(53): 4869–4879. (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
11. Xuewu Fu, Hui Zhang, Xinbin Feng, , Qingyou Tan, Lili Ming, Chen Liu, and Leiming Zhang. Domestic and Transboundary Sources of Atmospheric Particulate Bound Mercury in Remote Areas of China: Evidence from Mercury Isotopes. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019(53): 1947–1957. (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
12. Xun Wang, Wei Yuan, Che-Jen Lin, Leiming Zhang, Hui Zhang, and Xinbin Feng. Climate and Vegetation As Primary Drivers for Global Mercury Storage in Surface Soil. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019(53):10665-10675. (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
13. Huiming Lin, Yindong Tong, Xiufeng Yin, Qianggong Zhang, Hui Zhang, Haoran Zhang, Long Chen, Shichang Kang, Wei Zhang, James Schauer, Benjamin de Foy, Xiaoge Bu, and Xuejun Wang. First measurement of atmospheric mercury species in Qomolangma Natural Nature Preserve, Tibetan Plateau, and evidence of transboundary pollutant invasion. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019(19): 1373–1391. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
14. Wei Yuan, Jonas Sommar, Che-Jen Lin, Xun Wang, Kai Li, Yi Liu, Hui Zhang, Zhiyun Lu, Chuansheng Wu, and Xinbin Feng. Stable Isotope Evidence Shows Re-emission of Elemental Mercury Vapor Occurring after Reductive Loss from Foliage. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019(53): 651–660. (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
15. Xuewu Fu, Hui Zhang, Chen Liu, Hui Zhang, Che-Jen Lin and Xinbin Feng. Significant Seasonal Variations in Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Total Gaseous Mercury at Forest Sites in China Caused by Vegetation and Mercury Sources. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019(53): 13748–13765. (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
16. Xun Wang, Che-Jen Lin, Xinbin Feng, Wei Yuan, Xuewu Fu, Hui Zhang, Qingru Wu, and Shuxiao Wang. Assessment of Regional Mercury Deposition and Emission Outflow in Mainland China. Journal of Geophysics Research: Atmospheres, 2018(123): 9868-9890. (Nature Index期刊, 地学权威期刊,IF=3.8)
17. Hui Zhang, Xuewu Fu, Che-Jen Lin, Lihai Shang, Yiping Zhang, Xinbin Feng, Cynthia Lin. Monsoon-facilitated characteristics and transport of atmospheric mercury at a high-altitude background site in southwestern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016(16): 13131–13148. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
18. Xuewu Fu , Wei Zhu, Hui Zhang, Jonas Sommar, Ben Yu, Xu Yang, Xun Wang, Che-Jen Lin, and Xinbin Feng*. Depletion of atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury by plant uptake at Mt. Changbai, Northeast China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016(16): 12861–12873. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
19. Xuewu Fu, Xu Yang, Xiaofang Lang, Jun Zhou, Hui Zhang, Ben Yu, Haiyu Yan, Che-Jen Lin, and Xinbin Feng. Atmospheric wet and litterfall mercury deposition at urban and rural sites in China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016(16): 11547–11562. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
20. Ben Yu, Xuewu Fu, Runsheng Yin, Hui Zhang, Xun Wang, Che-Jen Lin, Chuansheng Wu, Yiping Zhang, Nannan He, Pingqing Fu, Zifa Wang, Lihai Shang, Jonas Sommar, Jeroen E. Sonke, Laurence Maurice, Benjamin Guinot, and Xinbin Feng. Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Mercury in China: New Evidence for Sources and Transformation Processes in Air and in Vegetation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016(17): 9262–9269. (Nature Index期刊, Q1 Top期刊,环境科学与工程权威期刊,IF=10.8)
21. Francesca Sprovieri, Nicola Pirrone, Mariantonia Bencardino, Francesco D’Amore, Francesco Carbone, Sergio Cinnirella, Valentino Mannarino, Matthew Landis, Ralf Ebinghaus, Andreas Weigelt , Ernst-Günther Brunke, Casper Labuschagne, Lynwill Martin, John Munthe, Ingvar Wängberg , Paulo Artaxo, Fernando Morais, Henrique de Melo Jorge Barbosa, Joel Brito, Warren Cairns , Carlo Barbante, María del Carmen Diéguez, Patricia Elizabeth Garcia, Aurélien Dommergue, Helene Angot, Olivier Magand, Henrik Skov, Milena Horvat, Jože Kotnik, Katie Alana Read, Luis Mendes Neves, Bernd Manfred Gawlik, Fabrizio Sena, Nikolay Mashyanov, Vladimir Obolkin, Dennis Wip, Xin Bin Feng, Hui Zhang, Xuewu Fu, Ramesh Ramachandran, Daniel Cossa, Joël Knoery, Nicolas Marusczak, Michelle Nerentorp, and Claus Norstrom. Atmospheric mercury concentrations observed at ground-based monitoring sites globally distributed in the framework of the GMOS network. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016(16): 11915–11935. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
22. Francesca Sprovieri, Nicola Pirrone, Mariantonia Bencardino, Francesco D’Amore, Helene Angot, Carlo Barbante, Ernst-Günther Brunke, Flor Arcega-Cabrera, Warren Cairns, Sara Comero, María del Carmen Diéguez, Aurélien Dommergue, Ralf Ebinghaus , Xin Bin Feng, Xuewu Fu , Patricia Elizabeth Garcia, Bernd Manfred Gawlik, Ulla Hageström, Katarina Hansson, Milena Horvat, Jože Kotnik, Casper Labuschagne, Olivier Magand, Lynwill Martin, Nikolay Mashyanov, Thumeka Mkololo, John Munthe, Vladimir Obolkin, Martha Ramirez Islas, Fabrizio Sena, Vernon Somerset, Pia Spandow, Massimiliano Vardè, Chavon Walters, Ingvar Wängberg, Andreas Weigelt, Xu Yang, and Hui Zhang. Five-year records of Total Mercury Deposition flux at GMOS sites in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016(17): 2689-2708. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
23. H. Zhang, X. W. Fu, C.-J. Lin, X. Wang, and X. B. Feng. Observation and analysis of speciated atmospheric mercury in Shangri-La, Tibetan Plateau, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015(15): 653-665. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
24. Ben Yu, Xun Wang, Che‐Jen Lin, Xuewu Fu, Hui Zhang, Lihai Shang, Xinbin Feng. Characteristics and potential sources of atmosphericmercury at a subtropical near-coastal site in East China. Journal of Geophysics Research: Atmospheres, 2015(120): 8563-8574. (Nature Index期刊, 地学权威期刊,IF=3.8)
25. X. W. Fu, H. Zhang, C.-J. Lin, X. B. Feng, L. X. Zhou, and S. X. Fang. Correlation slopes of GEM/CO, GEM/CO2, and GEM/CH4 and estimated mercury emissions in China, South Asia, the Indochinese Peninsula, and Central Asia derived from observations in northwestern and southwestern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015(15): 1013-1028. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
26. X. W. Fu, H. Zhang, X. Wang, B.Yu, C.-J. Lin, X. B. Feng. Observations of atmospheric mercury in China: A critical review. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015(15), 9455–9476. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
27. Xun Wang, Hui Zhang, Che-Jen Lin, Xuewu Fu, Xinbin Feng, Yiping Zhang. Transboundary transport and deposition of Hg emission from springtime biomass burning in Indo-China Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres, 2015(120), 9758-9771. (Nature Index期刊, 地学权威期刊,IF=3.8)
28. Fu X.W., Feng X., Shang L. H., Wang S. F., Zhang H.. Two years of measurements of atmospheric total gaseous mercury (TGM) at a remote site in Mt. Changbai area, Northeastern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012(12): 4215-4226. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
29. Fu X. W., Feng X., Liang P., Deliger, Zhang H., Ji J., Liu P.. Temporal trend and sources of speciated atmospheric mercury at Waliguan GAW station, northwestern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012(12): 1951-1964. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
30. X. W. Fu, X. Feng, Z. Q. Dong, R. S. Yin, J. X. Wang, Z. R. Yang, and H. Zhang. Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) concentrations and mercury depositions at a high-altitude mountain peak in south China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2010(10): 2425–2437. (Q1 Top期刊,大气科学权威期刊,IF=5.2)
1. 一种用于环境汞研究的中宇宙气候室,发明人:张辉,袁巍,王训,冯新斌,专利号:ZL 2023 2 2392974.6
2. 一种地表汞释放速率测量及同位素分析的样品采样装置,发明人:张辉,袁巍,王训,专利号:ZL 2023 2 2795771.1
3. 一种植物叶气界面汞通量测量及同位素分析装置,发明人:张辉,袁巍,王训,专利号:ZL 2023 2 2528369.7
4. 一种测量地表汞下渗速率的装置,发明人:张辉,专利号:ZL 2023 2 2785215.6
5. 一种用于固体样品汞同位素分析测定的预处理装置,发明人:张辉,专利号:ZL 2023 2 1604909.9
6. 气体采样装置,发明人:张辉,专利号:ZL 2022 2 1136907.7
7. 汞采样装置,发明人:张辉,专利号:ZL 2022 2 2748674.2
8. 一种用于分析水质总汞的自动分析装置,发明人:张辉,专利号:ZL 2021 2 1945021.2
9. 一种用于分析气态总汞的自动分析装置,发明人:张辉,专利号:ZL 2021 2 2704680.3
10. 水浴温控汞蒸气校准源软件V1.0,发明人:张辉,软著登字第13606542号
1. 铜仁市土壤污染综合防治先行区建设基础研究与实践应用,科学出版社,2022.10
1. 张辉,付学吾,冯新斌,沙尘源汞释放和传输对瓦里关全球大气本底观象台大气汞分布的影响。第八届青年地学论坛,武汉,中国, 2023年5月,口头报告。
2. 张辉,付学吾,冯新斌. 大气汞的长期观测与研究进展。第十届全国环境化学大会,天津,中国, 2019年8月,口头报告。
3. 张辉,付学吾,冯新斌,Francesco D.Amore,Nicola Pirrone. 基于全球汞观测系统的大气汞在线监测技术标准。第八届全国环境化学大会,广州,中国, 2015年11月,口头报告。
4. H. Zhang, X.W. Fu, Feng X. B., Long-term continuous measurements of speciated atmospheric mercury at Waliguan GAW station, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. 12th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Jeju, Korea,2015,Oral Presentation (口头报告).
5. H. Zhang, X.W. Fu., Feng X. B., 2014. Distribution of atmospheric mercury at a high-altitude background station, southwestern China:Impacts of interaction from biomass burning in Southeat Asia and anthropogenic sources in inland China. 17th International Conference on Heavy Metal in the Environment, Guiyang, China, Oral Presentation (口头报告, 会场主持).
6. H. Zhang, X.W. Fu., Feng X. B., 2013. Impacts of Indian summer monsoon on distribution of atmospheric mercury at a high-altitude background station, southwestern China. 11th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Oral Presentation (口头报告,优秀报告).