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4. He L. Y., Xie L., Wang D. J., Li W. L., John D. Fortner, Li Q. Q., Duan Y. H., Shi Z. Q., Liao P.*, Liu C. X*. Elucidating the Role of Sulfide on the Stability of Ferrihydrite Colloids under Anoxic Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019,53, 4173?4184.
5. Li Q. Q., Xie L., Jiang Y., John D. Fortner, Yu K., Liao P.*, Liu C. X. Formation and Stability of NOM-Mn(III) Colloids in Aquatic Environments. Water Research. 2019, 149, 190-201.
6. Liao P., Yu K., Lu Y., Liang Y. Z., Shi Z. Q. Extensive Dark Production of Hydroxyl Radicals from Oxygenation of Polluted River Sediments. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 368, 700?709.
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